Documents, Acts, Codes, Contemplations...

What a thing, this journey of bearing witness to what(ever) is, that finds you here, upon this page, in this moment where — amidst much inversion, obfuscation, presumption, deception, distraction, lies, false 'prophets' and more — it can feel challenging knowing what is true these days, let alone who or what to trust...

As such, below is merely an earnest sharing of highlights and punchlines of the past many years of inquiry and contemplation, amidst my sojourn of striving to make sense of this realm through which we are passing...

Take everything with a grain of salt (indeed, hold everything lightly these days), and if you see any mistakes / edits, or have some content to share, let me know as this most certainly is a work-in-progress; as a general rule, too, rely on your own navigation system, based simply on what makes sense to you, upon good faith consideration and contemplation... seeing for yourself is what enables you to stand on your own ground...

Which is what equity is and asks of both from the heart and mind: what do you think? What do you feel is right? True? Fair? Just? Gracious? Life-affirming? Where the essence of being a free being is being able to have your own opinion, and to be an honorable steward of grace in the process...

A suggestion is to start at the beginning... and to keep it near...
... striving to keep it as simple as possible...
... because truth is simple...

What does it mean to be born as a living, sentient, moral being in this realm?

What are unalienable rights?

What is free will?

What did the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of 1787 set in motion?

What is the united (and United) States of America (and our relationships to them)?
What does it mean to be in
Who do you think
you are?

A journey (revealing, unfolding, unfurling, emerging, creating...), indeed...

Maxims, Books, Documents, Acts...

(Click on the thumbnail image to access)


(Contemplative exchanges and commentaries to ponder)

Maxims of Equity

The Declaration of Independence

A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence by Pomeroy

A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence (1899)
by John Norton Pomeroy

A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence by Pomeroy

A Treatise on Suits in Chancery (1907)

by Henry R. Gibson

A Treatise on Suits in Chancery by Gibson

Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence (1836)

by Joseph Story

Two Treatises on Government (1689)

by John Locke

Two Treatises on Government by Locke (1689)

Black's Law Dictionary (6th Edition)

Constitution for the United States of America

The Constitution for the United States of America

Hale v. Henkel (1906) - Excerpts

The Constitution for the United States of America

It's All About Trusts

Statutes At Large, Chapter 48
HJR 192
June 5, 1933

"Every obligation... shall be discharged... dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts."

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Public Laws, Chapter 183
HJR 437
May 3, 1940

"... it is desirable that the sovereign citizens of our Nation be prepared for the responsibilities, and impressed with the significance, of their status in our self-governing Republic."

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Public Citizen

High Court Excerpts

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Right to Travel
High Court Excerpts

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor

May 28, 1816

"And I sincerely believe with you that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

The Creature from Jekyll Island

White House Memo
'Importance of Central Bank Independence'

"Nearly all advanced economies and many developing countries are now governed by independent central banks whose governing bodies decide monetary policy without political input, approval, or fear of reprisal."

The Creature from Jekyll Island

U.S. / UCC Codes (Excerpts)

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Modern Money Mechanics

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Fruit from a Poisonous Tree

by Melvin Stamper

The Creature From Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin

The Creature from Jekyll Island
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